156 research outputs found

    The mass and the radius of the neutron star in the transient low mass X-ray binary SAX J1748.9−2021

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    We use time resolved spectroscopy of thermonuclear X-ray bursts observed from SAX J1748.9−2021 to infer the mass and the radius of the neutron star in the binary. Four X-ray bursts observed from the source with RXTE enable us to measure the angular size and the Eddington limit on the neutron star surface. Combined with a distance measurement to the globular cluster NGC 6440, in which SAX J1748.9−2021 resides, we obtain two solutions for the neutron star radius and mass, R = 8.18±1.62 km and M = 1.78±0.3 M_sun or R = 10.93±2.09 km and M = 1.33 ± 0.33 M_sun

    Tidal deformability from GW170817 as a direct probe of the neutron star radius

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    Gravitational waves from the coalescence of two neutron stars were recently detected for the first time by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration, in event GW170817. This detection placed an upper limit on the effective tidal deformability of the two neutron stars and tightly constrained the chirp mass of the system. We report here on a new simplification that arises in the effective tidal deformability of the binary, when the chirp mass is specified. We find that, in this case, the effective tidal deformability of the binary is surprisingly independent of the component masses of the individual neutron stars, and instead depends primarily on the ratio of the chirp mass to the neutron star radius. Thus, a measurement of the effective tidal deformability can be used to directly measure the neutron star radius. We find that the upper limit on the effective tidal deformability from GW170817 implies that the radius cannot be larger than ~13km, at the 90% level, independent of the assumed masses for the component stars. The result can be applied generally, to probe the stellar radii in any neutron star-neutron star merger with a measured chirp mass. The approximate mass-independence disappears for neutron star-black hole mergers. Finally, we discuss a Bayesian inference of the equation of state that uses the measured chirp mass and tidal deformability from GW170817 combined with nuclear and astrophysical priors and discuss possible statistical biases in this inference.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Confronting Models of Massive Star Evolution and Explosions with Remnant Mass Measurements

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    The mass distribution of compact objects provides a fossil record that can be studied to uncover information on the late stages of massive star evolution, the supernova explosion mechanism, and the dense matter equation of state. Observations of neutron star masses indicate a bimodal Gaussian distribution, while the observed black hole mass distribution decays exponentially for stellar-mass black holes. We use these observed distributions to directly confront the predictions of stellar evolution models and the neutrino-driven supernova simulations of Sukhbold et al. (2016). We find excellent agreement between the black hole and low-mass neutron star distributions created by these simulations and the observations. We show that a large fraction of the stellar envelope must be ejected, either during the formation of stellar-mass black holes or prior to the implosion through tidal stripping due to a binary companion, in order to reproduce the observed black hole mass distribution. We also determine the origins of the bimodal peaks of the neutron star mass distribution, finding that the low-mass peak (centered at ~1.4 M_sun) originates from progenitors with M_zams ~ 9-18 M_sun. The simulations fail to reproduce the observed peak of high-mass neutron stars (centered at ~1.8 M_sun) and we explore several possible explanations. We argue that the close agreement between the observed and predicted black hole and low-mass neutron star mass distributions provides new promising evidence that these stellar evolution and explosion models are accurately capturing the relevant stellar, nuclear, and explosion physics involved in the formation of compact objects.Comment: Typos in fit coefficients corrected, results unchanged. 13 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Ap

    From Neutron Star Observables to the Equation of State. I. An Optimal Parametrization

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    The increasing number and precision of measurements of neutron star masses, radii, and, in the near future, moments of inertia offer the possibility of precisely determining the neutron star equation of state. One way to facilitate the mapping of observables to the equation of state is through a parametrization of the latter. We present here a generic method for optimizing the parametrization of any physically allowed EoS. We use mock equations of state that incorporate physically diverse and extreme behavior to test how well our parametrization reproduces the global properties of the stars, by minimizing the errors in the observables mass, radius, and the moment of inertia. We find that using piecewise polytropes and sampling the EoS with five fiducial densities between ~1-8 times the nuclear saturation density results in optimal errors for the smallest number of parameters. Specifically, it recreates the radii of the assumed EoS to within less than 0.5 km for the extreme mock equations of state and to within less than 0.12 km for 95% of a sample of 42 proposed, physically-motivated equations of state. Such a parametrization is also able to reproduce the maximum mass to within 0.04 M_sun and the moment of inertia of a 1.338 M_sun neutron star to within less than 10% for 95% of the proposed sample of equations of state.Comment: Minor changes made to match published ApJ versio

    Mapping the Surface of the Magnetar 1E 1048.1-5937 in Outburst and Quiescence Through Phase Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy

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    We model the pulse profiles and the phase resolved spectra of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937 obtained with XMM-Newton to map its surface temperature distribution during an active and a quiescent epoch. We develop and apply a model that takes into account the relevant physical and geometrical effects on the neutron star surface, magnetosphere, and spacetime. Using this model, we determine the observables at infinity as a function of pulse phase for different numbers and sizes of hot spots on the surface. We show that the pulse profiles extracted from both observations can be modeled with a single hot spot and an antipodal cool component. The size of the hot spot changes from ≈80∘\approx 80^{\circ} in 2007, 3 months after the onset of a dramatic flux increase, to ≈30∘\approx 30^{\circ} during the quiescent observation in 2011, when the pulsed fraction returned to the pre-outburst ≈\approx 65\% level. For the 2007 observation, we also find that a model consisting of a single 0.4 keV hot spot with a magnetic field strength of 1.8×10141.8 \times 10^{14} G accounts for the spectra obtained at three different pulse phases but under predicts the flux at the pulse minimum, where the contribution to the emission from the cooler component is non-negligible. The inferred temperature of the spot stays approximately constant between different pulse phases, in agreement with a uniform temperature, single hot spot model. These results suggest that the emitting area grows significantly during outbursts but returns to its persistent and significantly smaller size within a few year timescale.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray Lightcurves from Realistic Polar Cap Models: Inclined Pulsar Magnetospheres and Multipole Fields

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    Thermal X-ray emission from rotation-powered pulsars is believed to originate from localized "hotspots" on the stellar surface occurring where large-scale currents from the magnetosphere return to heat the atmosphere. Lightcurve modeling has primarily been limited to simple models, such as circular antipodal emitting regions with constant temperature. We calculate more realistic temperature distributions within the polar caps, taking advantage of recent advances in magnetospheric theory, and we consider their effect on the predicted lightcurves. The emitting regions are non-circular even for a pure dipole magnetic field, and the inclusion of an aligned magnetic quadrupole moment introduces a north-south asymmetry. As the aligned quadrupole moment is increased, one hotspot grows in size before becoming a thin ring surrounding the star. For the pure dipole case, moving to the more realistic model changes the lightcurves by 5−10%5-10\% for millisecond pulsars, helping to quantify the systematic uncertainty present in current dipolar models. Including the quadrupole gives considerable freedom in generating more complex lightcurves. We explore whether these simple dipole+quadrupole models can account for the qualitative features of the lightcurve of PSR J0437−-4715.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Principal Component Analysis as a Tool for Characterizing Black Hole Images and Variability

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    We explore the use of principal component analysis (PCA) to characterize high-fidelity simulations and interferometric observations of the millimeter emission that originates near the horizons of accreting black holes. We show mathematically that the Fourier transforms of eigenimages derived from PCA applied to an ensemble of images in the spatial-domain are identical to the eigenvectors of PCA applied to the ensemble of the Fourier transforms of the images, which suggests that this approach may be applied to modeling the sparse interferometric Fourier-visibilities produced by an array such as the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). We also show that the simulations in the spatial domain themselves can be compactly represented with a PCA-derived basis of eigenimages allowing for detailed comparisons between variable observations and time-dependent models, as well as for detection of outliers or rare events within a time series of images. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the spectrum of PCA eigenvalues is a diagnostic of the power spectrum of the structure and, hence, of the underlying physical processes in the simulated and observed images.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Ap

    Narrow Atomic Features from Rapidly Spinning Neutron Stars

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    Neutron stars spinning at moderate rates (~300-600Hz) become oblate in shape and acquire a nonzero quadrupole moment. In this paper, we calculate profiles of atomic features from such neutron stars using a ray-tracing algorithm in the Hartle-Thorne approximation. We show that line profiles acquire cores that are much narrower than the widths expected from pure Doppler effects for a large range of observer inclinations. As a result, the effects of both the oblateness and the quadrupole moments of neutron stars need to be taken into account when aiming to measure neutron star radii from rotationally broadened lines. Moreover, the presence of these narrow cores substantially increases the likelihood of detecting atomic lines from rapidly spinning neutron stars.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted to Ap
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